I am so excited to be featuring Maggie from Maggie Overby studios on the blog today. Maggie and I have been dancing around each other for a while so it was such a pleasure to meet her on my last Thrift Score Thursday post! I first spotted her work when I was looking for some photos of military paraphernalia used subtly and tastefully in home decor. Maggie is an American military spouse, and her blog and style are things I am drawn to, and I’m sure you will be too!
I’ve invited her to showcase her man cave with us as part of my series featuring military housing (although this isn’t technically military housing) because it so beautifully marries home decor and military history. We can all learn a thing or two from her!
How often do you normally move? What number move is this? (the house we will be touring)
My husband is in the U.S. Army and normally people move every 3-4 years but our luck has had us averaging a move every two years. The longest we’ve ever been in one location is four years but even during that time my husband spent a year away unaccompanied. The house here in South Carolina will make our tenth move since we married in 1997.
If you could give one piece of moving advice what would it be?
Don’t get too focused on “The Plan.” We have made so many plans about how things will go and inevitably the plans change (or the Army changes them for us) and we have to regroup. Things WILL change, things WILL go wrong and if your plan is too rigid it is hard to go with the flow. Often the end results of what actually happens turn out way better than “The Plan” if you are willing to roll with it.(P.S. Frustration is normal and crying is okay, sometimes you just have to let it out before you can move on.)
Moving can suck, but what is the plus side of moving often?
I am a house person, I love to change things and dream up new ways to arrange and decorate so to me a new house is a new canvas. When we’ve owned our homes I have tackled major renovations and when we’ve rented I’ve done cosmetic ones. As soon as we have a house selected my mind goes straight to work on how I’m going to make it my own.
What would you call your style?
My style is very eclectic, I see beauty in all kinds of things which makes me a bit of a collector so I guess I’d call it Collected Eclectic. My favorite style is probably mid-century modern but I don’t like a time capsule look. I want my home to show my style but also my experiences, I can look back and remember I bought that chair in Germany, or those paintings in Barcelona. I am also a huge second hand shopper so with the exception of mattresses and some of my large upholstery piece almost everything in my house is on its second or third life, I guess those things are collected too.
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in military housing?
We are lucky because we are usually not required to live in military housing but when I have or I have rented a home it can often be discouraging to invest time and money into a house that is not your own. In these cases I remind myself that I am investing in my own comfort and enjoyment not the house. If I paint a wall or change a light fixture or even do a major renovation I am doing it for myself so that I can be happy in my new space. I would also tell people who move often and may be considering big changes to do them right away so you can get the most enjoyment out of them during your time in the house.
Do you have a favorite item that seem to work perfectly in every home?
I love small furniture pieces like a little dresser or shelf that is not very deep or a petite side chair. These small pieces are easy to find a home for and can add a ton of character to a small spaces like an entrance, hallway or even a bathroom.
What is our favorite spot in this room and why?
I love the seating area because it has lots of light and I can sit and enjoy the collection of portraits or read a book while my husband works at his desk. I asked my husband this same question (it is his room after all.) His response, “I don’t know, I like the portraits I guess.” Men!
What’s your favorite piece in this room and why?
I’d have to say the desk which was a $10 thrift store find I refinished and the chair that goes along with it which was flea market find I re-upholstered. If we ever move to a house where there is not room for them in the man cave I am totally stealing them for myself.
Do you have any tips for making your own man-cave styled room?
In my husband’s words don’t make it “too nice.” Most men could care less about the way their “man cave” looks. They are all about comfort and necessities so if you want it to look nice in both your eyes make sure you choose furniture that is functional and comfortable or they won’t be impressed. Then add in items that he will appreciate. Once you have made in nice it’s time to leave and don’t be upset if it doesn’t stay that way. Ours cleans up nice when company is coming but is usually kind of a mess with weights on the floor and all the PS4 cables hanging out.
Do you have any tips for people who want to incorporate more military decor into their home?
This is kind of a hard one for me because really I don’t love having the military stuff all over the house. i.e. We are not going to have a helicopter print over the mantle any time soon! That being said I think an office or man cave is a perfect place to add these items into the home, He does live in the house after all, well sometimes 😉
*Amen sista! Keep it in one place and make it subtle
It is a great idea to decorate with military things like this. This type of thing would help me feel like I am supporting my family members who are serving in the military. Thank you for sharing such a cool man cave! Do you have any tips about where to buy some cool military paraphernalia?
Hi Brooke, thank you so much for your kind words!
You can find all kinds of things are you local antique store and sometimes if you’re lucky at the thrift store. The good items might cost a bit more but are definitely worth it.
You should ask Maggie (who’s room this is) about where she got her items 🙂
Have a great day!