A couple of weekends ago I hauled my old white campaign desk outside, sanded, and painted it mondrian blue (Behr paint colour from the Home Depot). I sanded, painted and then put three coats of polyurethane on the table to get a nice high gloss look. Although each individual stage didn’t take too long, the drying times made this project a weekend long. *If you’re interested in seeing what it looked like before the paint job, check it out here in the house tour sneak peek photos.
I also took the occasion to reupholster the storage poof/chair/bin that Boots (the cat) is sitting on, but as you can see he started scratching at it before I could take photos. I used upholstery fabric that we’ve had kicking around for a while and was able to complete the project in under an hour using using our light duty staple gun.
Part of the reason I did the jewelry table makeover was so that I could proudly showcase my beautiful pieces. I have such a nice collection of statement pieces that I needed an equally stunning way to display them. My dirty white campaign table wasn’t cutting, so when I acquired this show-stoper – the Belle of the Ball from CherryPick – and matching earrings – the Cosmopolitans from CherryPick – I needed to update the table.
I’m also using the jewelry table as a makeup table, because why not?! Can you see the lion? He was a Dollarama purchase that I spray-painted gold for the home office. Thankfully I have a pair of them, so this one has migrated to the jewelry table.
The makeup / jewelry table makeover was exactly what the space needed. I have it nestled in an awkward “alcove” on the second floor landing right outside the bathroom. With so much white in the space and an abundance of natural light, I chose a rich and velvety blue that would create drama in the staircase.
Inside the drawer I added clear plastic storage bins to better organize my jewelry and makeup. When I left it hanging on the necklace tree I found that everything was always covered in dust and I could never see what I was looking for. Dollarama to the rescue! Thank goodness for 1.25$ plastic bins.
Because the table is in the staircase next to the Fornasetti gallery wall, I’ve added a new face to the mix here with a veiled lady.
Wow! I absolutely love it!! And, that colour is amazing!
Don’t you just love the process of sanding and repainting? I’ve done a few pieces myself and it really is such a labour of love. I just pour my heart and soul into it. Loving the results with your table – and the blue/gold theme is magnificent!
I much prefer the process of re-painting! Sanding is always far more complicated than you’d think. I definitely think labour of love is the best way to describe it.
Thanks for stoping by 🙂
What a gorgeous table Ariel and went over for a peek at Cherrypick Jewelry – beautiful!! I’m going back over now… thanks!
Thanks! I hope you got something! The discount is quite nice
Congrats on your blogiversary! Love that blue desk and those jewelry pieces are stunning!
Thank you so much Shauna! I happened upon the blue kind of by accident while in the paint section at Home Depot. Can’t wait to see your kitchen completed!
Loving the colour scheme of this project
Thanks Lisa 🙂 I love rich and bold colours like this
That table looks so sharp!! Love the statement pieces, I check out Cherrypick and it may get dangerous with my pocketbook!
It’s the discount that is particularly dangerous!
So well organized! My jewellery is in horrible mess, resulting in me yelling at the tangles of necklaces as I’m trying to get out the door