I actually did this project back when I made the tassel garland, but for some reason I didn’t write a post or do anything with it. Now is the time! I’m digging through my archives to see what else I haven’t done a post about but have prepped and photographed everything for.
Cocktail skewers are super handy for when you’re making a cocktail that requires a skewer for olives, or a garnish. I can’t actually bring myself to spend money on permanent ones given how often we need them (not too often), so if you’re in the same boat this craft is perfect for you!
All you need is some toothpicks, various washi tapes and some scissors. Easy, right? that’s because these DIY cocktail skewers could be done by a 5 year old.
Cut a short piece of tape and wrap it around a toothpick by placing the toothpick in the middle of the piece of tape. When you fold the pieces of tape together they should meet seamlessly. Snip the tape accordingly to create shapes and designs. I opted to make mine look like little flags, fluttering in the wind of my martini glass and bobbing in the waters of my stiff drink.
And voila! The easiest washi tape project and DIY cocktail skewers you’ve ever done!
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