It should come as no surprise to you that I’ve got a hard-on for all things with bone inlay. It’s a great way to bring colour and bold pattern to your space, and I’ve done it twice before, so at this point I’m a pro. I use a stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils that my […]
Renter Friendly Built-ins with Metrie
Have you ever experienced something so satisfying that you can’t describe it? That’s how I feel about having completed these renter friendly built-ins over the past week. We took our IKEA Billy system and turned them into built-ins, but not just any old built-ins, the kind that can easily be moved! That’s right, they’re not built […]
Fall One Room Challenge – Week 6 – The Reveal
Week 6 – THE REVEAL – of the One Room Challenge hosted by Calling It Home is here! If you’re curious about what the official participants did last week you can catch their progress // here // and you can see what all of us guest participants did last week // here //. Catch-up on the One Room Challenge to […]