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Merry Christmas from PMQ for two

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Holidays! Feliz Natal! All that jazz. This is me signing off for the year, and wishing you all a very lovely holiday season, and a happy new year.

MY 2018 READER SURVEY *see deets at the bottom*

This is me, trying to tell Dan to pet the Flamingo and not look so upset about it. See, we planned this silly little shoot in our front yard with the inflatable flamingo so that I would have photos to put in this post, and instead of JUST showing you the perfect pictures, I’m going to share the outtakes as well, because they sum up my year the way words can’t.


You’ll notice that we are standing in our front yard, it’s very cold (it was -20c that day), and Dan looks the way a kid looks when you tell it the dog won’t bite. He’s not into it, but to be fair, he did pose for me with Bruce for a few wonderful shots, and that’s all I wanted. But if I was to sum up 2018 in one shot, it would be this. We’re trying.

We’re trying so hard, we’re almost there, and most importantly, we’re having fun — so what more can you ask for?

This is the year Dan and I got healthy (with our Ketogenic eating), it’s also the year we got in front of the camera more, and this was a big stretch for Dan. He doesn’t want to be in the pictures, but he does it for me. He’s a good sport 99.9% of the time (like with our Beach Picnic this summer), but sometimes I think my requests go a little too far (Like when I asked him to try and put reindeer ears on Bruce).

She’s down! Mayday!

Then there’s this photo where I fell, face first into the snow. I was in a completely upright standing position a mere second before, and somehow just got carried forward. This is how I would describe a few parts of 2018. I got knocked down once or twice, but I got up each time, and that’s what matters. 

After a dark winter (with my brother passing last summer) I found ways to create joy where I could through my work and friendships. This spring I opened-up about my fertility issues, and you guys were so amazing and supportive. Thank you.

It doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a teensy weensy bit hard watching everyone announce pregnancies, and births, and first Christmases. But now, with our newfound health, things are looking up. And most post importantly, I have my own family unit for which I am SO eternally grateful.

My anxiety hit a peek this fall, and made getting through some days super challenging. Some times it took the wind completely out of my sails and felt like I was shoved face first into a snowbank. With the new house, and Dan being away, and a super heavy workload, I struggled. But it was also fun, and I did have help, and guess what. I had a good laugh about ending up in the snow, and got right back up.

Nothing to see here! Please, good neighbours, drive on!

Because I’m now appearing in my photos and posts a heck of a lot more, it means I need my studio assistant more than ever. Kelly has been a real treat to work with, and I will absolutely continue to work with her in 2019. I may even get her to finally start her own blog.

She has been there to help with set-up, and production on larger scale shoots where I can’t be holding the photo trigger the entire time (like this one!) She’s also been there during anxiety attacks, for long days of set-up and cleaning, and to drive me around while I answer emails. Get you a Kelly! <3

Having Kelly to help, also means I’ve ended-up in some pretty silly situations which I’m sure my neighbours will never understand (or ask about). Like that time I was in my driveway with a snowblower and a backdrop tree at Halloween, on my front porch pretending it’s Halloween on September 7th, and now — my yard — posing with an inflatable flamingo around my waist, while Dan tosses snow in the air and Kelly takes a picture. #glamsquad

In this photo, our neighbours are literally driving past the house and wondering wtf is going on. Wave and smile.

Bruce is a huge part of PMQ for two

The fluff nugget aka diva extraordinaire aka Princess, aka Bruce.

He continues to be a huge part of PMQ for two. Now that I’m moving the studio home, he’ll be even more present in my pictures and styling, but mainly because it’s going to be hard keeping him out of the shots.

You know the pink Christmas tree shoot? I had to lock him out of the dining room because he wanted to be in every single photo. No bueno. He was more than willing to play ball this summer with our new lounge chairs, or the painted patio though, but come fall he was having none of it and needed much cajoling.

Working with Bruce on shoots is always fun though, and usually requires 2 other people – one to hold the Jerky off camera (as a bribe), one to take the photo, and one to keep him where he’s supposed to be. By the time we’re done with him, he’ll be ready for Hollywood!

2019 holds so much promise!

I’ve spent so much of 2018 honing my small business skills, and was able to start mentoring others with everything I’ve learned. This has been so incredibly rewarding, and is something I’m very passionate about.

Small business mentorship groups are something I’ll be pursuing even more in 2019, in addition to all the exciting business ventures I’ve been able to line-up. So stay tuned!

As always, thank YOU for tuning in. Thank YOU for hitting like, clicking through, and for being the people with who I get to share this crazy, maximalist, and colourful world I create.

I would be so grateful if you could take my 2018 survey, and help me get a better idea of what you’d like to see in 2019 (and what you thought of 2018). I’ll be drawing three 10$ Starbucks gift cards from those who complete it! Deets at the bottom of the survey.


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