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Deep Cleaning The House with Bona

I’m ready to start sharing snippits of our new house, even though I have done almost nothing to it yet. Maybe it’s because I’m doing the fall ORC in our living room, but I am totally ready to make this place shine a little. I just need time! I also need to start by deep cleaning the house, because I can tell you – I have done almost none of that.

I partnered with Bona for everything floor care, because between the hardwood, the vinyl, and the tile, I need some flooring specific help!  Also, don’t judge me too harshly for how the kitchen looks – this is weeks after moving in, and I’m not moving at breakneck speed with the decor this time.

*Bona sponsored this post, but all thoughts are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make PMQ for two possible.

Choosing the right floor cleaning tools

They sent me two range of products, and I tried both of them out on this first clean. I received a hardwood spray mop & hardwood cleaner, and a hard surface microfiber mop from their Quick Clean collection.

While I did deep clean the house’s floors today, I’m only going to share my experience with them mops in the kitchen, dining room, and living room (tile + hardwood). We’ll see how it stacks up against the bathroom tile and plank flooring in another post 😉

Why we chose to clean with Bona

Something that drew me to Bona when considering my options, was the fact that the products are designed specifically for floors. I tend to buy a lot of all-purpose products, and I’ve had mixed success with them, so I figured this time I’d go for exactly what I needed.

Check out their wood floors 101 guide

Bona is innovated just for floors. Their “no residue formulation” removed the dust, dirt and grime left behind from our move-in (and the first few weeks of living). After just one pass the floors looked great! Much better than, say, vinegar and water could ever make our floors look.

Using Bona in the Kitchen

In the kitchen I used the Quick Clean’s hard surfaces mop with the disposable mop pads for the tile. I brought a lovely mum into the kitchen for fall, and of course Bruce found a way to knock it over and track mud through the kitchen. Boots the cat got in on it too. I’m convinced!

Fun fact: the Bona formulations are safe for pets – something that is super important to me – which means I’m not worried about them getting a chemical burn if they run through the product right after I use it.

Cleaning Hardwoods with Bona

After the kitchen I traded the hard surface mop for the Bona Premium Spray Mop & Hardwood Floor Cleaner in the dining room. There’s a sliver of wood around the rug, and it has been hard to clean.

Because it has the largest 16.75″ mop head in the industry, I didn’t have to go at the space twice. Just one pass covered everything I had to clean! Without the rug it would be easier to just power through, but this is a great option for dealing with what I’ve got.

We’ve got hardwoods in the living room as well, so I used the Bona Premium Spray Mop & Hardwood Floor Cleaner in there. It was a breeze, and I could see the difference in the finish on the floors as I went. Their floor Cleaner dries fast with no dulling residue. I don’t know why I didn’t use something like this before!

Basically, wherever I go, the pets go. And wherever the pets go, there’s a mess.

And no, that’s not a baby – that’s a cat. Boots is a big boy, and is a huge contributor to dust in the living room. He sheds like crazy! So as I went around cleaning the hardwoods (dusting and them moping), I made sure to bring him with me.

I was pleasantly surprised with how easily the mops assembled, and how well they moved. The joints are designed to move the way you would want them to. But instead of showing you some steps by steps, go check out my Instagram stories to see how I got them to work!

Now that the living room, dining room, and kitchen floors are clean though, I can put my mops away for now and get back to the decor process! And because they are SO easy to use, I can bust them out once a week to do a quick clean.

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