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Upcycled Christmas Ornaments

You know me, I love to thrift or make a lot of my items. I do buy things, but I try to limit that as much as possible. Heck, I even thrifted the masson jars in my Peppermint vodka DIY!

Now that you know that, you’ll love my up cycled Christmas ornaments!
upcycled christmas ornaments

I was going through my jewelry table the other day and came across an old necklace of mine. I loved it! It was my favourite! Until I broke it en route to New York for Easter this past spring. I could fix it, but I haven’t worn it in ages and can think a million and one things to do with it – namely, up cycled Christmas ornaments!

You only need a few things for this DIY, and it can be done with any kind of necklace. You could even make a trip to Goodwill looking for necklaces for this exact DIY.

Hot glue gun
Needle-nose plyers


Step 1: Start by removing the little metal hoops holding the components of your necklace together. Be sure to save them for later, so don’t destroy them in the process of uncoupling your necklace

Step 2: Make your bow. I like the old fashioned Colonal Sanders bow tie (I’m sure there’s another name for this type of bow…?). You’ll need three pieces of ribbon per bow. One longer piece that you’ll fold-in onto itself to create the top loops, and then two smaller pieces that will be the “tail” end of the bow.

I secure the loop part of the bow with hot glue. Hold off on gluing the tail bits to the loops.

Step 3: Glue the loop to the back of the piece of necklace.

Step 4: Glue the two tails to the back of the piece of necklace.

Step 5: This is where we saved all those little loops for! Close them back up securely, because this is what the ornament hanger will hinge on.

Step 6: Glue the loops to the back of the bow.

Step 7: Affix an ornament hanger and hang!

Step 8: Admire. I mean look at them! They’re so pretty with their bows, and just imagine them back-light?!

Would you make your own version of these?

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