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How to throw an “everyone’s birthday” Party

You heard me – everyone’s. Yours, mine, the cat’s and even Bruce’s. We felt like celebrating a bit this week, but had no real reason to do it, so we combined our birthdays and wedding anniversary into one big excuse for cake. This is how to throw an “everyone’s birthday” party. Hint: it’s easy.

Wanna celebrate but don't have a reasons? we combined our birthdays into one big excuse for cake. This is how to throw an "everyone's birthday" party.

Normally I’d have some of my DIY Party hats on, but I forgot about them until after. Oops! I got a few simple glitter crowns at our local party store’s clearance bin instead.

How to throw an “everyone’s birthday” Party

It’s real simple, and these days, it’s a great way to find an excuse to celebrate as a household or bubble unit.

Pick a date that has no other meaning to you

This only works if it’s not already someone’s birthday or anniversary, so make sure it’s a random Tuesday.

Make or buy a cake for each person celebrating

You can’t just get one compromise. I wanted vanilla sheet cake, Dan wanted red velvet, and we wanted a little cake smash piece for June.

I could have made them, but going to look at all the cakes in the display case was almost more fun, so I did that instead.

Decorate for a birthday party

I went all-out! I got a party balloon, made some banners, got all the cake toppers I could make or buy, and found a mini crown for June (she spent most of her time trying to eat it).

Cake Toppers

I’ve done several posts about dressing-up a store-bought cake, and it’s honestly the best hostess hack I’ve got. You should do it more often!

Singing Happy Birthday

We got Bruce in on the fun, sang happy birthday, and then dug in. June answered the eternal question: face to food? or food to face? with a pronounced “face to food.”

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