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Holiday Boughs From The Home Depot

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, falalalala la la la la!

home Depot boughs

Okay so maybe no holly here, at least right now, but there are definitely boughs decked around here and I couldn’t be happier! It’s all thanks to The Home Depot.

These beauties are from the Martha Stewart Living collection available at the Home Depot. I partnered with the Home Depot for this decor project because I knew they would have the best available for boughs and garlands, and have all the little extras to complete the look.

These beautiful boughs are pre-lit, flocked with glitter and snow, and have pinecones strewn throughout.  They’re a HUGE step up from my Canac brand boughs from last year. Those will be moving to our front door decor this year, while the Martha Stewart ones grace the doorway between the dining and sitting room.

I actually took two runs at hanging them. The first time around I put them up and left them for a week, before thinking “hey, these could use a little something something,” and off I headed back to the Home Depot to grab some of their fresh trimmings and greenery.

You can get the fresh trimmings for about 5$ and you’ll find them next to the Christmas trees in the Home Depot lots. As you can see, Boots was very interested in participating and fell for the classic cat trap. Silly Boots!

This time  when hanging the boughs I used 3M command hooks to support the added weight of the extra boughs.

I hung the natural greenery first, and then wired the Martha Stewart boughs to the natural ones. Easy as pie!

The end result is simply gorgeous and smells just like a Christmas tree!

Would you be interested in using boughs like this? I mean common! They take the guess work out of decorating for the holidays and are a truly classic noel element.

*PMQ for two received compensation in exchange for this post, however all views and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make PMQ for two possible.

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